At a conference the best talks are the ones you get into by mistake. This one was a real gem, it started with ‘don’t be a fucking racist’ and ended with ‘be yourself, everyone else is already taken.’
All in Conference reports
At a conference the best talks are the ones you get into by mistake. This one was a real gem, it started with ‘don’t be a fucking racist’ and ended with ‘be yourself, everyone else is already taken.’
Cross-border content and growth hacking artists. We’re midway through the Amsterdam Dance Event, and completely hungover I’ve compiled yesterday’s notes of the conference into a few bullet points.
Mijn out-of-office staat aan. M’n notitieblokje en oordoppen liggen klaar. De Redbull staat koud. En er zit een nieuwe batterij in mijn fietslamp. Ik ben er klaar voor!
Moet je iets met AI, the internet of things of voice control? Moet je growth hacken of design thinken? TNW Conference samengevat in 5 inzichten.
ADE DAY 1 - Als a-ha’s Take On Me vakkundig Bump n Grind in gemixt wordt, is dat dan dance?
A summary of my talk at the DIVERSIFY OR DIE event. I talked about how to diversify yourself so you could open interesting doors.
Het ADE Dance & Brands congres brengt marketeers en mediapublishers samen met de dance-industrie. Voor MarketingTribune heb ik de 14 talks over o.a. storytelling, influencers en brand partnerships samengevat in 10 learnings.
Four predictions that Contagious thinks will shape the ad industry in the coming years, and Tim Berners-Lee warning us about the coming AI revolution.
CannesLions staat nog steeds een beetje bekend als de jaarlijkse reclame-orgie. Wat kunnen de marketeers en het reclamevolk leren van de porno-industrie?