Koroko… Korokoko… Kokoro – yesss, got it – invited us to ‘feel fabulous with them’ and celebrate their Best New Kid on the Block title. The party took place in their office situated in a convent – yes, an actual convent. It is hidden somewhere in an armpit of the Beatrixpark and regardless the route description on Facebook we had a really hard time finding it. Fortunately we were eventually guided in the right direction by the loud music.
After a little chat with the founders of Kokoro Rik Heijmen, Wouter Vanhaeren and Merlijn Van Vliet about their goal to connect the hearts of brands to the hearts of consumers (Kokoro means heart in Japanese, you see), we followed our hearts to connect with others at the bar. Heijmen at some point showed a Powerpoint about the outdoor project they won with their ‘Best New Kid’ title, but most people by then didn’t have the courtesy to listen.
Highlights of the evening? The confetti-confessional, a laser printer that could decorate your iPhone, a closet filled with Turkish bread – which seemed an interior designer’s choice – and the fridges that were relentlessly refilled with Heinekens and white wine.
This blog was first published on Amsterdam Ad Blog.